تصفح التصنيف
عبود على الحدود كان بداية جيل جديد من النجوم في السينما المصرية.
فيلم عبود على الحدود كان بداية جيل جديد من النجوم في السينما المصرية، هذا ما أكده المنتج والمخرج مجدي الهواري في منشور له على موقع الفيسبوك، حيث استرجع ذكرياته مع هذا الفيلم الذي شارك في إنتاجه وإخراجه.
وقال الهواري إن فيلم عبود على…
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مع بدء موسم الامتحانات… شهدت إيرادات السينما المصرية انخفاضًا ملحوظًا.
مع بدء موسم الامتحانات، شهدت إيرادات السينما المصرية انخفاضًا ملحوظًا، حيث لم تتجاوز إجمالي ما حققته الأفلام الأربعة المعروضة 856 ألف جنيه في اليوم الأثنين.
واحتفظ فيلم «نبيل الجميل أخصائي تجميل» بالصدارة لليوم الخامس على التوالي، وهو…
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Why self esteem sucks, And why you don’t need It
Everyone is looking to lose weight these days, but most people miss the one key to just how easy it really is: eating more fiber! While you need protein, healthy fats, and many vitamins and minerals for overall health, the one food that can…
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Cindy Crawford’s festival style is flawless with a capital F
Everyone is looking to lose weight these days, but most people miss the one key to just how easy it really is: eating more fiber! While you need protein, healthy fats, and many vitamins and minerals for overall health, the one food that can…
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Why it’s the year to wear what you like – Not dress for your type
Everyone is looking to lose weight these days, but most people miss the one key to just how easy it really is: eating more fiber! While you need protein, healthy fats, and many vitamins and minerals for overall health, the one food that can…
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7 Fashion tips that will make you the center of the room
Everyone is looking to lose weight these days, but most people miss the one key to just how easy it really is: eating more fiber! While you need protein, healthy fats, and many vitamins and minerals for overall health, the one food that can…
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If you only train your chest muscle, You’ll end up looking worse
Everyone is looking to lose weight these days, but most people miss the one key to just how easy it really is: eating more fiber! While you need protein, healthy fats, and many vitamins and minerals for overall health, the one food that can…
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Marilyn Monroe’s beauty secrets: The most surprising tips from Hollywood’s ultimate…
Everyone is looking to lose weight these days, but most people miss the one key to just how easy it really is: eating more fiber! While you need protein, healthy fats, and many vitamins and minerals for overall health, the one food that can…
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